Thursday, September 19, 2013

Year D gains a hearing at a recent gathering of pastors of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

"Year D: An Adventurous Year in Preaching and Worship,” at the Christian Church in the Upper Midwest, School for Congregational Learning; West Des Moines Christian Church; September 7, 2013. (Thanks to UDTS alumnus the Rev. Dr. Dan Mayes for the invitation, the logistical arrangements, the hospitality, and the picture.)

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Barbara Holmes named President of UTSTC

I was glad to see this news from our friends in the UCC. Barbara Holmes is the new President of the United Theological Seminary in the Twin Cities. In addition to her many administrative and scholarly gifts, she is a wonderful — and I mean wonderful — preacher.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Authoritarian vs. Libertarian

Matt Drudge's tweet seems to echo, albeit very briefly, this lengthy but immensely important essay by Angelo Codevilla from 2010.

Remember class, ...

"banning homeschooling teaches tolerance of diverse views.” From this analysis by Michael Leeden, the Orwellian brainwashing would seem to have reached the final spin cycle.  

Monday, September 2, 2013

A Phenomenal Llama

OK, this has nothing to do with Year D, but it does — in the end — have something to do with worship. No, the fantastical elements in this story will not be found in Year D, or even in the biblical canon, but if you can bear with a bit of absurdity in the spirit of Christmas, perhaps you will enjoy my new book, beautifully illustrated by artist Danielle Baudouin.

Available at CreateSpace:

A Phenomenal Llama: A Tall Christmas Tale for Children of All Ages

On Amazon:

and Kindle:


And make sure to visit, "like," and "share" Gregory's FB page. (It's time to put this reindeer thing to rest, isn't it?)